Building an Ecosystem for the up-scaling of lightweight multi-functional concrete and ceramic materials and structures
Building an Ecosystem for the up-scaling of lightweight multi-functional concrete and ceramic materials and structures
Innovative polymer-based composite systems for high-efficient energy scavenging and storage
Towards the next generation of high performance li-ion battery cells
Open access pilot lines development for industrial production of nano-enabled products (buckypapers, CNT treated prepreg and CNT doped non-woven veils) for applications in composite parts for sectors such as Aeronautic and Automotive. The purpose of the project is to efficiently and economically manufacture the components using novel nanomaterials at a scale suitable for industrial uptake.
New process for efficient CO2 capture by innovative adsorbents based on modified carbon nanotubes and MOF materials
Hierarchical multifunctional composites with thermoelectrically powered autonomous structural health monitoring for the aviation industry
Development of safer and more Eco-friendly flame Retardant materials based on CNT co-additives for Commodity Applications.
Biology Approaches to understand interactions of engineered nanomaterials with living organisms and the environment.
Reductions in aircraft weight and operational costs as well as an improvement in the flight profile specific aerodynamic performance.
Carbon nanotubes are used to increase performances of carbon fiber reinforced polymers (mechanical and electrical properties).
Structural lightweight composite power storage for hybrid vehicles to perform efficient propulsion and energy needs of future vehicles.
Risk assessment and management of nanomaterials: Materials, Exposure, Hazard and Risk.
Development of advanced catalysts for PEMFC automotive applications.
SUN is based on the hypothesis that the current knowledge on environmental and health risks of nanomaterials,
whilst limited, can nevertheless guide nanomanufacturing to avoid future liabilities, provided that an integrated
approach that addresses the complete product lifecycle of production, use and disposal is applied.
NANOGUMMI project aim is to develop advanced compound rubbers for automotive market.
The innovative idea of NANOGUMMI is to replace a part of CB loading of the formulation by a smaller loading of CNT. In that case, mechanical properties of materials would be improved of at least 10 % thanks to CNT’s higher surface area than CB, and synergistic effect of both fillers would have an impressive effect on mechanical, dynamical and thermal properties. Furthermore, combining use of CB and CNT would also provide electrical conductivity to the new material.
Préparation d’un prototype innovant de four de purification thermique en continu des nanotubes de carbone.
VALorisation des LIgnines issues des effluents de l’industrie papetière et de la CELLulose issus de la pâte à papier non-blanchie
Outils de décontamination automatisés multi-polluants (non-spécifiques et spécifiques) régénérables
IMEF a pour objectif de concevoir, développer et réaliser des démonstrateurs représentatifs d’une orientation et d’une dispersion de nanotubes de carbone, obtenues lors de la mise en forme spécifique de thermoplastiques/CNT.
Les procédés de mise en forme visés pour ce projet sont :
Optimisation du procédé de production des nanotubes de carbone en augmentant la productivité des réacteurs et en diminuant la variabilité sur la qualité des nanotubes de carbone produits.
Post-traitements pour l’utilisation des nanotubes de carbone dans les batteries Li-ion.